How To Break In New Western Boots And Prevent Them Hurting Your Feet
One of the biggest problems people can face when they first buy and wear new western boots is that the newness of the leather makes the boots somewhat rigid. The issue this causes is that feet can become sore as there is not yet enough flexibility in the leather to stop the boots from rubbing against feet and irritating them, or worse, causing blisters.
As the boots are worn, they become ‘broken in’ which simply means the leather starts stretching, creating flexibility, and this ultimately makes the boots comfortable and thus a joy to wear.
However, getting from the brand new stage to the broken-in stage can cause some people to almost give up on wearing their western boots because of the discomfort. For that reason we thought it would be useful to provide a few helpful tips on breaking in western boots and how to make the process quicker and easier for everyone.
Wear Your Boots
This might not be what you want to hear if your feet get sore when you wear your new western boots. However, refusing to wear your boots and leaving them sitting in the wardrobe is never going to see them broken in. If you can, wear them for a few minutes until the discomfort becomes a problem and take them off. Next time, wear them for a few minutes longer, and repeat for however many days are needed until they break in, and you can wear your boots all day.